divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010

Catalan Cream.Crema Catalana.

COOK TIME: 35 minutes.
LEVEL: medium.


• 1l of milk.
• A skin of a lemon.
• ½ branch of cinnamon.
• 150g of sugar.
• 7 yolks of eggs.
• 35g of yeast.


1. First, take a cup of milk and the rest of the milk, put it in a pot and simmer with the lemon skin and the stick of cinnamon.
2. While it’s boiling, mix the yolks of the 7 eggs with a cup of milk and add the yeast in the new pot.
3. When the 1st pot is finished ,strain the milk on the last mixture .
4. Simmer again that mixture and don’t stop to mix it until boil.
5. Let the mixture cool down.
6. Take a sauce pan and put the mixture in it.
7. Wait until be cold.
8. Serve it.